Thursday, June 28, 2007

Shadyac on Story and Humor

If it is a trend, it's the oldest trend in the world: Tell a good story, tell a human
tell an entertaining story, and people will come see it. And if it happens to be about subject of faith, God and man and relationship, all the better. I don't think Hollywood's ever been afraid of faith-based movies. I think they're afraid of bad movies.

It's a highly spiritual act to tell a hysterical story. If you create laughter, I think you've created something very spiritual. You've for a second brought people back into a childlike state. That's a high calling. But I want a movie to have another layer that engages people in thought, discussion.

For the complete interview:

Transformation through Visual Story

Meagan, a 11 year old, watched one of those 1970's end times films just a few years ago. She was riveted and amazed. It became a turning point in her young life; she gave her life to Christ and hasn't looked back.

She is now in high school and wants to create visual stories that will touch her generation.

I haven't seen any of those films, but I imagine the production value would be laughable today. Yet, there was something in the story (no doubt some fear factor) that reached inside and caused her to evaluate.

How much more is possible today as tell great visual stories through hhe power of visual media?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New Blog URL

You can use now to get this blog. Change you bookmark, signature files and other information you send out to the new url

Friday, June 22, 2007

With Apologies to Cameron Townsend

Cameron Townsend said:
“The greatest missionary is the Bible in the mother tongue. It needs no furlough and is never considered a foreigner."

I suggest, then, that the second greatest missionary is contextualized media. It needs no furlough, never gets discouraged, plays the message back each and every time despite circumstances and, if properly contextualized, will have come from the hearts of the people who are watching.


Good short piece from World Vision.

Why Visual Story Network Matters

We understand more of the world around us through visual perception than all the other senses combined.
From Richard L. Gregory, "Eye and Brain, The Psychology of Seeing", Princeton 1997

Seeing is the primary means God has given to understand the world and gather information about its nature, including truth about Himself. “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”
(Psalm 19, NIV)


“Stories are one of the most basic modes of human life.”
N. T. Wright, "The New Testament and the People of God", Fortress, 1992

Narratives are one of the most common and ancient ways of communicating. Not the only way as the following might as first glance suggest, but a significant way. “Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable.” (Matthew 13:34, NIV)


“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Proverbs 27:17, NIV

It is a truism that people through interaction can improve each other, in their work and even their character. The metaphor of sharpening implies improvement: making a tool more fit for its purpose. Sharpening however involves removing metal: implying at a minimum friendly sharing of information ranging through perhaps advice and even constructive criticism.

The Visual Story Network can be for the people of God 1. + 2. + 3: a means to improve our skill at telling stories visually. From the above it is self evident that this is a good thing to try to do. I believe it is also self evident that Clyde Tabor is eminently gifted and qualified to build just such a network. I’m hoping to devote some of my time to see that it happens and invite others to join in the work.

Let the sharpening begin.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Faith Visuals

Thanks Doug for passing on this good article. Here is a interesting article on Visualcy This is a great site do you know who's behind it?

Tell a story in 5 frames (Visual story telling)

Check out a great site/community within the Flickr website: as the title suggests participants are challenged to create stories and submit them for review in only 5 frames. Good stuff.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Munyurangabo (Liberation Day)

A group of YWAM folks made breakthrough progress with Munyurangabo (or Liberation Day). It was selected in the "Un Certain Regard" section of the Cannes Film Festival. This is the first time an American director made it into Cannes with a directorial debut! Go Lee Isaac Chung!

Read more at:

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Jim Green on VSN and Clyde

Thoughts on the Visual Story Network & Clyde's leadership

Story is the foundational way that information is passed on in every culture of the world as evidenced by the fact that around the world parents and grandparents tell their children stories. Films are visual stories in sight and sound. Studies indicate that the majority of people in the world come to faith before they are out of their teens and that films, TV, internet and music are the primary influencers of youth in our day. In the western world the average young person is watching 120 films per year. They are making their life decisions and choices based on what they see in films. Research further indicates that the world is rapidly becoming younger with some populations as high as 70% under the age of 30. In order to influence this generation it is necessary to communicate God’s love and forgiveness through visual stories using the appropriate technologies that will reach them.

My vision for the Visual Story Network is to bring together a collation of Kingdom strategists and creative visual story tellers to intentionally work together to create, find and disseminate the visual stories necessary to help build God’s Kingdom. It is evident that there is great convergence taking place and that God is raising up creative people in the film industry, many of whom have a desire to help build the Kingdom of God. At the same time there are many mission strategists who see the need for using visual story to touch this generation. The Kingdom strategists need the expertise of the creative film makers and the creative film makers need the expertise of Kingdom strategists in order to effectively touch this generation and help to build God’s Kingdom.

I believe the Visual Story Network has the potential to impact the whole world with the greatest story every told, God’s story through the powerful medium of sight and sound, Visual Stories. As Kingdom strategists work together intentionally with creative film makers, people in ever nation will be impacted with God’s story through visual stories that will result in transformed lives in every place so that everyone will know someone who truly follows Jesus. Millions of believers around the world will be equipped to lift up Jesus and make Him known leading to transformed lives who are truly following Jesus as a way of life.

I am so excited that God has so obviously touched Clyde Taber to give leadership to the Visual Story Network. One day as a group of us were discussing the Visual Story Network, God clearly impressed me, to the point of tears, that Clyde should be the one to give leadership to it. I am so grateful to God that in His time He confirmed this calling to Clyde personally. I believe that God has his hand on Clyde and that He has created him, wired him and prepared him for this task. In addition to his giftedness in networking, partnering, speaking, vision and serving as a spokes person for this initiative, what gives me most joy is Clyde’s close walk and dependence on God. In my several years of working closely with Clyde I have found him to be a man of God who truly seeks God and His will in everything he does. I believe that God has raised him up for such a time as this. I can confidently recommend him to you for your prayers and support. I believe that this initiative will impact the whole world for Christ and His Kingdom.