Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Hope Giver in India

In India, a campaign led by network partner Book of Hope resulted in one of their most fruitful outreaches in their history. The “Hope Giver” is a 42 minute computer graphic animation on the life of Christ with a culturally relevant introduction and close. It is designed to accompany the “Book of Hope,” a harmonization of the Gospels designed for kids under the age of 12. “Extensive training of partner churches was a key to the success of this outreach,” stated Executive Director, Rob Hoskins.

The Book of Hope worked with 20,000 churches to organize home based screenings of the Hope Giver for kids and their parents. The average event attendance was 26. A total of 8 million children and parents viewed the Hope Giver! They are still determining the spiritual impact of this initiative, but they are excited to see how God used the power of visual story.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Disney Director - New Concept

Help a key partner test a concept with profound potential…short animation sequences of the life of Christ being developed by the co-director of Mulan, Barry Cook. You can see a brief interview with Barry and artists that worked on the two storyboarded sequences at http://www.whoishe.org/feedback/index.php?sec=video&links=homelinks . We would also like to ask for your help in field testing the two current segments, even in their rough, black and white story boarded form with 15-35 year olds in other countries. All of the field test materials are on the website at http://survey.whoishe.org. The world is becoming increasingly media sophisticated, even in parts of the world once considered remote. For ministry workers that I have talked to who want to communicate to the next generation their only question has been ‘when will it be ready?’.