Saturday, April 30, 2011

Visual Story Trainer Consultation

24 of us gathered from 3:00 - 8:00 at the Los Angeles Film Studies Center in Hollywood on April 29. A BIG thanks to Rebecca Ver Straten-McSparran for hosting us! It is inspiring to be with global innovators like the Conkey's, Quinleys, JESUS film leaders, Gary Stratton, Paul Luebbers, Kurt Tuffensdam, Diane Wigstone, Charlie Matz and others. Check out the images in the slide show.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

First-Ever Story Trainers Consultation

Can't wait to meet with 20 global innovators on Friday. A first-ever "Visual Story Trainers Consultation" will take place at the Los Angeles Film Studies Center. Create International, the JESUS Film Project, Act One, 168 Project and others will explore how we can see a global movement of visual story training take place for the kingdom. We may be able to stream portions.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Anime JESUS Film

"My Last Day" is 9-minute animé short created by The JESUS Film Project. Barry Cook, director of Disney's Mulan wrote the story for My Last Day. Animation was created by Tokyo's renowned STUDIO 4C. Check it out below. It is available for free download at Good work!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!!

I pray you will be able to enter into the sacredness of this weekend. Take a look at some of the videos below that may help you. The resurrection changes everything.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Most of us are back home after traveling from 11 countries to be together at the Summit in Edinburgh. A special thanks to Elaine Duncan and the Scottish Bible Society for their role in helping host the Summit. In the end, there were 52 of us representing 33 organizations. I look forward to seeing how the Lord will use the connections that were made last week.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Edinburgh Day # 2

Keith Williams rocked us with the realities of the Mobile revolution. Andrew Flynn and Bex Lewis gave us some handholds on the way Social Media is changing how people connect. Great "speed networking" session. Loved hearing from veterans like Jock Stein, Murray Watts, Jim Green, Bob Hoskins, and Nigel Goodwin. First UStream experience...8 of you joined in!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

VSN Summit: Day One Summary

Great day! Why visual story (Clyde), Fiona McDonald on vision, envisioning a global movement, Jerry Gibson and Graham Vermooten on Unleashing Story, Nick Pollard and Jim Meyer on Missional Engagement. Jeremy Feser and Ben Whitnall hosted our Visual Showcase. Special thanks to David and Holly Hughes and Ted Cox for making things happen!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

VSN Summit: Day One

Today is the first day of the VSN Summit in Edinburgh, Scotland. 51 world-changing leaders, four big themes (Unleashing Story, Thinking Missionally, Mobile revolution, Social media), two days, one Great God to lead us. We will make our first-ever attempt to do live streaming. Tune in today at 13:30 (UK time) for Unleashing Story and Missional Engagement on the UStream tab in the navigation bar.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Edinburgh Summit is this week

This is the week for the VSN Summit at the University of Edinburgh. 52 of us from 34 organizations will be meeting April 13-14, but folks start traveling Sunday and Monday. Please ask God to inspire us, equip us, and create fruitful relationships. We may be able to stream some of the sessions live via UStream (not convenient for those in the Americas). We'll let you know beforehand.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Soul Surfer

The movie of the incredible story of Bethany Hamilton, the 13-year old surfer whose arm was bitten off by a shark, premiers in theaters in the US this Friday ( Our friends at GMO and the Campus Alliance have built this web site that tells the story of faith behind the story.