Friday, October 30, 2009

Rich Source of Info on Mobile Resources

We just posted a number of new down-loadable files regarding the use of mobile devices. Thanks to K for the good work. Click the Resource tab and scroll down to "Mobile Devices."

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Dominant Screen of the Future

"The mobile phone will be the dominant connection tool: 77% of the expert respondents agreed with a scenario that posited that the mobile computing device—with more-significant computing power in 2020—will be the primary Internet communications platform for a majority of people across the world. They agreed that connection will generally be offered under a set of universal standards internationally, though many registered doubts about corporations’ and regulators’ willingness to make it happen." Pew Internet and American Life Project (12/2008)

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Night of Film

We had a great time at the 2009 Night of Film. Butterfly Circus (Josh Weigel), A Big Table (Michael Hodges), 99 Balloons (Rob Thomas) and Deidox Li (Brent Gudgel) were compelling short films screened before an audience of 1000. The Veracity Project (Charlie Matz) and the Grove Center (Joey O'Conner, Mark Perez) did a great job putting the program together.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

J. Carla Northcutt #400

J. Carla takes the prize for being #400. Thanks for joining J. Carla! Sorry, the only prize is the honor you are now accorded.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Who Will Be #400?

Sharon Epps became the 399th person to join in the online community. Who will be # 400? Great to see you here Sharon.

More on Mobile Media

There have been great discussions on mobile media in this newly created group. Dave Hackett has posted insightful research in several of his discussions. Check out these resources under the Mobile Media group.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Amazing Tool for Meeting Effectiveness

After more than 10 years of leading virtual teams, I think I have found the single most useful tool to virtual meetings. is a free service that allows you to create a “public pad” with a unique url. Etherpad is a simple, “really” real-time white board that allows everyone to take notes (concurrently), post content, chat, edit, and then export meeting notes. The notes stay active on the public page "forever" so they can be referenced by clicking on the url you get for each “pad.”

Monday, October 12, 2009

Seth Godin's blog

I've got to suggest you subscribe to Seth Godin's blog. I actually read his daily musings that offer fresh insight on brand building, innovation, communication and more. Seth is the author of Tribes, Permission Marketing, Purple Cow, etc.

Creative Juices

Here is a never before seen take on how to get the creative juices going. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Getting Started - Mobile Media Ministry

We just posted a very helpful article for those interested in using their mobile device as a ministry communication platform. Check it out under the Resource tab.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mobile Media Ministry

We're interested in knowing who is involved in using mobile devices in a ministry context. If you are involved in any way or know someone who is, please email me at