Thursday, May 17, 2007

Biblical Storying Definition

Here is our working definition: Any thoughts?
"Combining narrative and visual media in communicating the message of Jesus and Scripture illustrating a biblical world view"


robhoskins said...

You'll notice I've shortened on the Blog page to read:
“Combining narrative and visual media in communicating the message of Jesus and Scripture"

clydetaber said...

Missed that. Much better.

Anonymous said...

Probably not a big deal for your audience, but that statement sounds like "Jesus" and "Scripture" are two either separate and/or equal realities. Portraying Scripture as the sole authority - this is a particularly Protestant tenancy, no? Does your network seek to attract non-Protestant communities? Just curious...

- Sky

robhoskins said...

Thanks for the comment Sky,
Our desire is to serve the whole whole body of Christ through
the authority of the triune God, exercised through scripture, which, I believe reflects Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox theology. The statement here is not to promote a distinction between Jesus and Scripture but to promote the power of His person and the message of the Bible narrative. The statement is also not intended to alienate any audience. Do you think it does?